Its been 15mins i left this screen blank without a word... suddenly my idea was gone.. missing in the air, totally pop out and splash from my brain. duh! dont remember what shud and i wanna write just now.. i try harder and harder to remember it, but it seem out of reach. out of sight. the more i try, the far it goes.. did this ever happen to u guys?? it always happen to me.. and i hate it. i should jot it down somewhere... so that easy for me to recall.. but because of sikap takpelah, biarlah, nantilah... gini lah jadi nya. so let it be for the moment.. biar aje jejari ku yg berbicara..
its thursday today, and its been like a month or so aku x balik umah... terdetik dihati rasa cam nk balik umah je walaupun buat seketika. last week my sis sms me told my mom not so well, so i grabbed phone and called her.. dengo suara dia merintih kerna sakit buat hati ku sayu, ingatkan nk balik terus, tp xjadi.. so today i decide to go home to see my parent, the love of my life.. tapi aku lemah, bila balik rumah jer, abg and akak dok mintak and ask me to stay at home. pindah je balik kt umah, bukak cyber or whatever kt kg.. yg parah lagi mak pon cakap mende yg sama.. "jan, baliklah umah, jual kepok je, jaga account kepok dan boleh tgk2 kan mak, kau nk bukak cyber, bukak je sini." haih~~ aku lemas dan lemah dengan permintaan mak aku, bukan aku xnk balik, aku cuma selesa dok jauh dari abg2 ku kt kg tu.. tp aku hanya mampu berkata "nanti2 lah dulu", aku tahu jawapan ku x dpt nk puaskan hati sesiapa pn malahan my mum. my bro siap nk bagi 2 bijik kedai kt aku, satu tuk cyber and one more for kedai. stil aku xnak. keras kepala sgt kah aku??? bukan apa aku tahu sgt kepala hangin abg2 ku.. mula2 elok lagi.. lama2 kan berangin la, ada dok mengata itu ini, ada je yg x puas hati.. mcm2 lah, boleh jadi gaduh sama adik beradik, aku xnk. sekali dh kena cukup la.. xmo lah berulang lagi...
dah la, aku xleh nk menulis lagi.. asyik dok pikir nk balik umah jer... till then.
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