Thursday, December 11, 2008

Pengorbanan di Pagi Aidul Adha

The scene and the rain...

First of all.. sorry for late post. and its not becoz my fault.. its totally tmnut fault.. i lost the connection out of the blue... what the heck? well.. actually im not gonna write about this... but im really distracted by that problem which is interrupted my business flow. so instead of 2 days holiday.. now i need 3 days. and im at lost. so whos gonna pay for that! fooking bastard!

So forget about that.. huhu~~ here it come a blissful story in the bless of the eid adha morning... it was raining that morning and it so calm... i like the scene.. made me so cold inside and outside. and jump to another scene, impatiently im waiting for the cow... huhu~~ it was big and meaty... its my bro's cow and ready to be sacrifice. but im not take part this year.. ermm may be next year there will be my part. hope so. so enuff the story.. lets have fun with some pictures.. huhu~~

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