This is the pics of my bro's wedding day... back in early 2008 i guess.. nahh i dun remember.. coz even i wasnt there at that time... akakaka~~~ guess my existence really not that worthy. what a sad bloke am i. im just some joe with nothing special. ops.. back to the picture.. this pictures, a bunch of it, i just sneak it from the oldies lappy... hahaha~~ also got some videos (im not gonna up it). hehe.. so enjoy the pics..
actually, this is my 9th bro.. mean ranking number 9 in my siblings genealogy.. i got 4 bros, but all of them was helpless to me.. akakaka.. kidding.. but sometimes its true. all of them married. and next its gonna be my turn.. eh wait. i dun think so, may be i will pass to my youngest brother first or my widower sister.. akakaka~~ ish enuff with the crappy things.. huhu~~
well guess you guys have fun.. and dreaming about your wedding, i bet you are.. hahaha~~~ it just the matter of the time. be patient...
ermm.. so thats it, its nothing though.. i just wanna bring back the memories which is i wasnt there... hehe~~
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