Wednesday, May 05, 2010

A New Challenge: Nikon D5000

Awesome! i got a second surprise for ya... for the first time in my life, i touch and feel this kind of camera... i dunno what u guys called it, but for me it just a camera. its nikon D5000 as the pic above. ermm still not use to it, and obviously its take alot of time to use it like an amateur and take alot of skill and experience to be a pro.. ekeke. but just let me use it my way. everything is just try and error. ermm since no one in my family dunno how to use it, automatically it will be mine. haha.. its okay i think coz my sis already have a canon s90 and HF21. so its not a big deal. thats it la kot. gonna explore my new camera. say cheese! snap-snap!


aCIk said...

mcm SLR smtin la..gambar gerenti cun.

Manzion said...

tp klu x reti pakai sama gak~~~
gambar still blur~~~
kne masuk klass la guy~~~
jd freelance~~~
leh wat side income~~~
bukan skit tp banyak~~~

aCIk said...

lutut kene kendur nak amik posisi gambar cun.hoho...