Just get back home! fuh~~~ and quickly turn on my sis lappy and get connected to the internet. walla! its been a week and so no internet in my life. i have the phone but it cost me so expensive la~~ feel so release and alive.. haha. i didnt plan to get back home... but it the best thing to do now plus this is the first time in 2010 i get home. huhu~~ i just had some arguing with my bro in law yesterday and he left me no choice. sort of. it just a small thing. dont bother. plus the reconstruction still not done and still many thing to do.. and it doesnt attach me at all. so i left him doing his job! plus he obviously like it. i even didnt tell him i went home like he did to me, he went out of nowhere leaving me alone and get back late at nite. he dare me and thats what he got. and to be more devilish, i didnt leave him any penny. ha-ha. well sure he can survive with a few buck left with him. he have another option actually, his grocery is ready to reopen. so just open it while he doing the works! so he can get some money. the day before, i plan to take care of his grocery while he doing the wiring thing... but after that mouthy war.. nah~~ its not an option for me. boring with this kind of life... and why its bothering me. its like what i thought, this thing will never end... unless one of us get out.. ermm. and its already happen, even my cyber still not open yet! it fast than i thought.
im tired and need some more rest.. daa~~ [dunno why im so tired, may be i slept the whole day yesterday... ekekeke]
any one can gave me and advise.. what shud i do with this kind of life?